Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Owen cries.  A lot.  He is colicky, and has food 'sensitivities' from what I eat, which cause him some digestive issues.  Poor little guy didn't even smile until he was 7 weeks, and that was after I was on an elimination diet for a week.  We can tell he is so uncomfortable.  We have an appointment with a pediatric GI to see if they have any suggestions.  I am actually terrified they are going to tell me I can't nurse him anymore and have to switch to formula.  It's very hard to explain why, but I feel like that is the best thing I can do to nurture my baby.  Oddly enough, he's still gaining weight steadily, and is up to 15 lbs at 8 weeks old.

Shae has been great and loves her brother.  She wants to help do everything for him.  The crying doesn't seem to bother her much, just that I have to hold him all the time.  When he cries during the night, she puts her head under the pillow and goes back to sleep (yes, she's in our 'family' bed).  She is always kissing him, laying next to him, and tells him "it's ok buddy" when he cries.  She has gone from telling him "Mommy is coming" to now saying "I'm coming", because she is good at calming him down.  It's really very sweet.

The downside?  She wants to be babied.  She asks me to hold her and rock her.  She has stopped using the potty.  She never, not once, used a pacifier as a baby, but is now stealing his.  She doesn't even like it, just wants it because he has it.


  1. Awww poor baby! I bet they make you eat the blandest diet while nursing. Could he have an intolerance to milk products maybe? Shae cracks me up! Sounds like Ella (who still sleeps in my bed occasionally!) Both babies are precious and I love the picture of Shae holding him. Such a good mama's helper!

    1. Milk, definitely. Soy, probably. They have told me I can't have dairy, nuts, eggs, wheat, or soy. It sounds like a joke, right? Being a vegetarian, my diet is very, very bland right now. Think potatoes and rice. I'm adding in a little fish, but don't care for the taste much. The things we do for our kids. He'll thank me one day, right? ;)
