Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Welcome Owen Matthew

Our little boy arrived on February 22, 2012, at 12:58pm.  He was 8lbs 9oz, 21.5 inches.

It's no wonder I craved beer my whole pregnancy, I had a little red-headed Irishman in my belly.  We were surprised by the red hair and by how small he seems even though he was a pound heavier than Shae.  My great-grandfather had red hair, and Matt thinks he has someone in his family too.  He does look a lot like Shae did as a baby though, just different coloring.  I am so in love with him already.

I hated every minute of the c-section, it felt so unnatural to have a baby that way.  I think I cried through the entire thing.  Even though Shae's delivery was tough, it was a very natural process.  But somehow, once they gave him to me, none of it mattered anymore.  So far, he is perfect and gaining weight like a champ.  We had his 2-week check-up and he is up to 9lbs 11.5oz.

Shae is amazingly maternal, helps to diaper him, burp him, and wants to hold, hug, and kiss him constantly.  The first time she held him, she kissed his head and said "it's ok baby, Shae's here".  That made me so happy.  We are making an effort to spend a lot of alone time with her too, so have not had many jealous moments.  She's really good about asking me to put him down if she wants me to do something with her.  She'll either say, 'put Owen in swing', or 'Daddy take Owen'.  She's a great little communicator.

Welcome to this crazy world little guy.  We are so happy to have you as a part of our family, and are looking forward to sharing our lives with you.
Matt ready for surgery.

Shae helping to feed her baby brother.
He looks so peaceful.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you guys! Please keep the posts coming (I know there is no time) You have one beautiful family!!
