Sunday, August 28, 2011

This sweet little blob...

is the next member of the Sorensen family!!!  It even looks like it's smiling.  Due date is March 14, 2012.

We are so happy and excited to have another... we never wanted Shae to be an only child.  It's like having a home without a pet... somehow emptier.  Siblings are your first friends, your toughest competitors, they teach you how to share, and give you the most honest feedback you could ever want. As you get older, they are also your oldest friends, and you'll wonder what you would have done without them.  That is true for both me and Matt, and I hope it is for Shae too.  I know she'll be a great big sister, just like mine.  She even has a similar personality to Christine; very headstrong, smart, opinionated, and bossy.  She'll be perfect.  There will be about 26 months difference; not too close, but not too far apart.

Matt wasn't home when I found out, so I told Shae first. "I whispered Mommy has a baby in her tummy", because I had to tell someone.  She looked at me, then at my belly, and said a firm "No".  Now, if you ask her what's in my belly, she will say 'baby', but I don't think she really grasps it yet.  She's still a Mommy's girl, so may be a little jealous.  I love having a girl so much, I really, really want another (of course, Matt wants a boy).  I saved everything, so it would be easy too... no clothes to buy, bedding, blankets, I have it all for a girl.  That means it will be a boy, right?  We may need to find out the gender.  Even though I absolutely loved the surprise last time, I would like to prepare if it does turn out to be a boy.

We have the usual worries as well.  Since I am downright ancient in the maternity world (aka Advanced Maternal Age), we worry about having a healthy, normal, baby.  Then there's the question of how on earth we will have time for anything now?   How can I love another baby as much as I love Shae?  That can't be possible.  Will I favor one over the other?  And when will I sleep?  I am going to be so tired for the next few years.

Privacy? What's that?

Shae has become very interested in our bathroom habits... I'm told this is one sign she may be ready to start potty training.  Not only does she want to know what we're doing in there, but she wants to watch.  You get over any sort of modesty pretty quickly.  Unfortunately for our guests last week, Amy & Kevin, she wanted to know if they were going pee or poo and would ask through the door.  Luckily they locked it or she would have let herself in to ask.

Shae absolutely loved having her Aunt Amy here, and still says Amy quite a bit, I think wondering when she might see her again.  She even gave them hugs goodnight.  Those things really make me hate living so far away from family.

San Diego Vacation!

Finally, vacation!  We spent a week in La Jolla and it was so nice to get out of the heat.  I loved having time to do nothing but spend time with my family, eat, nap, and relax.  I thought Shae would like the beach a lot more than she did, but the weather was so much cooler than we are used to.  While everyone else was in bathing suits, we were in jeans and long sleeves.  She didn't like that the water moved toward her either.  But Duke loved that he got to walk on the beach every morning.

We went to the zoo and the aquarium and my favorite part was Shae's realization of how large giraffes are.  I kept telling her 'look, giraffe', but she kept looking at the ground.  Maybe she thought the large things in front of her were trees.  Once she realized, she looked up really slowly, mouth wide open, and stared.  After about 30 seconds, she whispered "Mommy, giraffe".  It was so darn cute.  I just love seeing her reactions to new things.  I think her favorite part of the zoo was the duck / flamingo pond.

San Diego is a different world than Las Vegas.  The first day we were there, I took Shae to a neighborhood playground and there were two girls her age who shared their toys, played with her, and invited her for a playdate the next day.  Even Duke was invited to a playdate with a neighborhood dog.  Everyone was so friendly.  I'm not sure if that says something about us, or about the place we live, but I loved it there.  We've decided if we win the lottery, that's where we are moving.

I seem to be noticeably absent in most of my pictures.  Note to Matt, please pick up the camera  more.