Friday, April 8, 2011

Cleaning is overrated

When I was pregnant, I received a great piece of advice.  My friend Kristin's mother-in-law, Saundra, told me "Don't worry about cleaning, just enjoy the baby".  She explained when her kids were small, she was always worried about keeping the house clean and constantly picked up after them.  One thing that drove her crazy was the fingerprints on the glass door.  She wished she could get that time back to just sit down and spend it with them.  I took that to heart and I really try to spend as much of my free time as I can enjoying Shae.

Whether we are playing, eating, or reading, I try not to worry about the mess until she's asleep.  I don't always succeed, but when I see my glass door looking like this, I smile and think I might just have my priorities right.

1 comment:

  1. Such a true post. Us mamas always want our houses looking clean, but I would rather a messy house with happy, well-rounded smart kids who grow up knowing their mom loves them to the ends of the earth!
