Monday, March 14, 2011

14 months and counting...

I am loving everything about motherhood, except the lack of time.  I have so much admiration for those moms with more than one child.  How do you find time to play with, feed, bathe, and love more than one?  I hope to find out...but am totally stressing about it.

Shae is so much fun now, learning lots of words, especially body parts, and will poke you in the eye to tell you those are eyes.  She hates having her diaper on and will take it off if you give her a chance.  Hopefully this means she'll potty train easily (let me dream please).  She loves to wave and blows kisses.  As soon as I get to daycare to pick her up, she starts blowing kisses as in 'I'm leaving!'.  So cute.

She is already an emotional girl who goes from happy, to sad, to angry, back to happy in about a minutes time.  Some days she loves her Daddy, other days she will hit him if he tries to kiss her (he puts his hand up and says they are playing the 'high five game').

She is getting into everything and her favorite place is the pantry.  She will empty cereal boxes (they apparently make great toys), and anything else she can get her hands on.  As you can see, she was not happy I was telling her the box of ziploc bags was not a toy.  I've now cleared out the bottom shelf and made it things she can play with.. but she's now getting tall enough to reach the next.  It's like a high water mark and everything needs to be above it.

Grandma and Grandpa S. visited in February, Shae loved having them here, I think she likes an audience:


  1. OMG! I didn't know you had a blog. I am so going to stalk you now. You better update A LOT. Shae is precious! Aren't they such handfuls at that age?! I remember giving Ella a cupboard to play in as well. She would crawl in and hide! It all goes by too quickly. Oh and there is NO time with two kids, but I will say it's SO much fun watching them play together!

  2. I agree with Melissa - lots of updates please! :)
