Wednesday, June 10, 2015

To my favorite little girl, on her 3rd birthday

My Shae,
You are the most beautiful little girl.  You are sweet and sympathetic, and so polite (most of the time), you almost always say please and thank you.  You don't like to see others kids cry, and you point them out to tell me they are sad.  You try to comfort your friends at school when they get hurt. The teachers tell me you ask if they are ok, give them hugs, and try to make them feel better. 

There has been a lot of change this year.  You moved into a toddler bed right after your 2nd birthday, then into a big bed about a month later, although you started sleeping in our bed as soon as you realized you could get out as you pleased.  We lost any semblance of a schedule for a few months, and bedtimes were sporadic.  You moved classes at daycare.  Your little brother arrived and you love him so much, despite the fact that you hate sharing our attention.

You are a great big sister and it's so clear you were never meant to be an only child.  Owen loves you more than anything else in the world, even though you take away his toys.  No one can make him laugh like you do.  When you wake up in the morning, you like to climb in his crib and play with him for a while.  When you get hurt, you like to give him a hug because you say it will make it feel better.

You hate loud noises.
You started gymnastics and love to hang, climb, jump, and tumble.  
You like vegetables! You eat asparagus, mushrooms, broccoli, corn, peas, and snap peas.
You like to eat your waffles, fake bacon, corn, and peas while they are still frozen.  
You will dip anything in ketchup or ranch dressing, including watermelon.
You learned your alphabet, and can even tell me what sound each letter makes.
You can count to 20, sometimes saying eleven-teen.
You love to draw faces, especially Owen, although you always draw him sideways.
You love to take pictures.
You want to know everyone's name, and you will point out total strangers and ask 'what's her/his name?', as if you think I know absolutely everyone.  If I say I don't know, you tell me to ask.
You are learning about Santa and Christmas, and only asked for one thing... a blue toy car (and you said Owen wants the green one).

You are an amazing little girl who brings so much joy and laughter into our lives.  I love you so much.


Mom Stays in the Picture

I recently read an article about a mom who avoids taking pictures with her kids because she doesn't like the way she looks. Yikes, that is me.

I feel kinda frumpy most days, still haven't lost the weight from when I was pregnant with Owen, and never really have time to do my hair or make up. I always think the last thing I want is evidence of how crappy I look. But really, who cares? I love my kids, and I want them to remember how happy they make me. I want them to have pictures of me smiling with them. I want them to be able to look back and remember me when I was younger. So, I've started taking pictures with them as often as I can, and try my best to not think about how I look.

I am their mama and, to them, I am beautiful no matter what.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Tick tock, tick tock

Holy &#!*, where is the time going?  It feels like this year is speeding by... glad the holidays are here and I will have some time off.  Blog posts coming soon...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Owen thinks months are for slowpokes

Owen has been on the weekly growth plan since moving into 6 month clothes at 6 weeks... 9 month at 9 weeks, 12 was odd how the timing worked out perfectly.  Now, he's 6 months old and his 18 month stuff is getting a little tight in the crotch.  I have so many things he never wore.  He is not going to be a child I can buy things for in advance.

I never thought I would have a blond haired, blue eyed baby, but here he is.  At first, I remember thinking he looked nothing like I imagined, since I was expecting dark hair like Shae.  Now I wonder how I could think of him looking any other way.  He's happy, and healthy, and perfect.

Friday, July 20, 2012

A 'Dot' of his very own

My last post couldn't have been more timely... the following week, my Aunt Donna sent a lovey blanket and some other handmade goodies for Owen.  No one was more excited than Shae, yelling "Owen, you have your own Dot!".  I don't think he'll ever get a chance to name it something else, but that's ok, because his has polka dots too.  It is just beautiful, and my aunt is so talented.

Aunt Donna, he loves it already. Thank you SO much, I have a feeling his will be just as special to him.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dot to the rescue

'Dot' is Shae's little lovey blanket.  My Aunt Donna made it for her when she was born, and she has loved it since the first time she held it.  It has cute little polka dots, hence then name Dot.

Over the past two years, Dot has seen a lot of action.  Some of the ribbons have been rubbed of their patterns and are now blank.  No matter, those are the favorite ribbons and she seeks them out to rub some more. When Shae goes to sleep, she holds Dot.  When she gets hurt or upset, she asks for Dot.  When Owen cries, she shares her Dot with him.

We now have a rule that Dot does not leave the house.  If she were ever to get lost, we would be in big trouble.  I had to make another, which did not come out nearly as nice, so she could take one to school (she calls it her 'school Dot').

The other day I noticed her holding Dot on her foot and asked her what she was doing.  She said Dot was fixing her boo boo.  She really believes Dot is magic, and with all of the comfort it brings my child, so do I.

Sleeping with Dot when she was about 6 months old.
Dot with Shae on her first flight.
Sharing Dot with Owen.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dear Owen,

my sweet little boy.   I didn't even know you were possible a year ago, so it's amazing you are here and such a big part of our lives.  The last three months have been a tough adjustment on all of us since you've spent much of it crying, but I love you.  I really do.  I try my best not to get frustrated, because I know it's not your fault you feel crummy.  I sing to you.  I walk with you until you stop crying and fall asleep.  I've changed my diet to eat what you can tolerate.  I've given up coffee, bread, ice cream, cheese, and chocolate.  That's how much I love you.  You are starting to feel better, and are turning into a happy baby.  I promise to try and never take the little things for granted.  I cherish every smile, every coo.

I wonder what you will choose to do with your life, where you will go. No matter what it is, I hope you are happy.  I look at your chubby little hands and I think one day they will throw a ball.  One day they will build something. One day they will hold the hand of the person you will marry.  One day those hands will hold your own child.  Only then, will you truly understand how much I love you.