Sunday, September 2, 2012

Owen thinks months are for slowpokes

Owen has been on the weekly growth plan since moving into 6 month clothes at 6 weeks... 9 month at 9 weeks, 12 was odd how the timing worked out perfectly.  Now, he's 6 months old and his 18 month stuff is getting a little tight in the crotch.  I have so many things he never wore.  He is not going to be a child I can buy things for in advance.

I never thought I would have a blond haired, blue eyed baby, but here he is.  At first, I remember thinking he looked nothing like I imagined, since I was expecting dark hair like Shae.  Now I wonder how I could think of him looking any other way.  He's happy, and healthy, and perfect.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how fast he's growing!! Isn't it sad when you have clothes they never got to wear? :( He is such a handsome fellow and I am sure you are busy and loving life with two!
