Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I take it back.

As much as I loved being pregnant before, I can't say I do now.  We had a measurement of the baby this past Monday, and he is now 8lbs 6oz.  Average for this age is 6lbs.  I'm not due for 4 weeks.

Why so big?  Who knows.  Could be the daily serving of peanut M&Ms I allowed myself, or the generous amount of cookies, or maybe he just has big genes.  Although, I was a heavier baby than Matt, so I can't really blame him.  The doctor said I'm a good oven.  Unfortunately, I'm not nearly as good at delivery, with these narrow hips.  Darn them, they just won't spread.  I am scheduled for a c-section on February 22.  At least it's not Leap Day, and he'll have a pretty cool birthday;  2/22/12.

I have two fat little feet kicking my ribs and stretching my stomach so much the entire front alternates between numbness and stinging like it's on fire, which is apparently normal (doctor said it's the nerves stretching).  On Monday, the ultrasound tech actually told me she felt sorry for me, because he kicks so hard.  And top it off with a good dose of mama guilt for feeling this way and for not enjoying even the uncomfortable parts.  I should be grateful, because I am very, very lucky to have this pregnancy, and this healthy (albeit overfed) little boy.  Now let's get this fatso out and see his sweet little face.

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