Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dear Owen,

my sweet little boy.   I didn't even know you were possible a year ago, so it's amazing you are here and such a big part of our lives.  The last three months have been a tough adjustment on all of us since you've spent much of it crying, but I love you.  I really do.  I try my best not to get frustrated, because I know it's not your fault you feel crummy.  I sing to you.  I walk with you until you stop crying and fall asleep.  I've changed my diet to eat what you can tolerate.  I've given up coffee, bread, ice cream, cheese, and chocolate.  That's how much I love you.  You are starting to feel better, and are turning into a happy baby.  I promise to try and never take the little things for granted.  I cherish every smile, every coo.

I wonder what you will choose to do with your life, where you will go. No matter what it is, I hope you are happy.  I look at your chubby little hands and I think one day they will throw a ball.  One day they will build something. One day they will hold the hand of the person you will marry.  One day those hands will hold your own child.  Only then, will you truly understand how much I love you.