Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Grandma and Grandpa Sorensen visited us for a few days, and Shae now calls both of them Papa.  I don't think she really notices a difference between the 'ma' and 'pa' sounds yet.  I was so surprised with how easily she warmed up to them and how excited she was to see them when she woke up in the mornings.

We waved goodbye to 'their' plane when they left, and now, every once in a while, she'll point to a plane and say 'papa' with a sad little face.  :(   We explained that they had to go home to take care of their sheep, chickens, llama, dogs, and cats and they'll be back at Christmas.  She has no idea what Christmas is (or a llama for that matter), but it seems to be an sufficient explanation for her.
There must be something soothing about Grandma Lucy.
Shae would never sit this still in front of a computer with me.
Singing 'row row' before bed.

Friday, October 14, 2011

It's a BOY!

Shae is going to have a little brother!  I've had this image in my head of raising two little girls, so it has taken time to get used to the idea of a boy.  It's not disappointment, just different than what I pictured.  I'm sure once I see his beautiful little face, none of that will matter.  All I really want is a healthy baby.
The doctor says he has very long arms and legs (go figure).